0:00:00.853,0:00:02.331 When I was in the fifth grade, 0:00:02.331,0:00:06.759 I bought an issue[br]of DC Comics Presents #57 0:00:06.759,0:00:09.556 off of a spinner rack[br]at my local bookstore, 0:00:09.556,0:00:12.737 and that comic book changed my life. 0:00:13.292,0:00:16.515 The combination of words and pictures[br]did something inside my head 0:00:16.515,0:00:18.288 that had never been done before, 0:00:18.288,0:00:22.041 and I immediately fell in love[br]with the medium of comics. 0:00:22.041,0:00:25.224 I became a voracious comic book reader, 0:00:25.224,0:00:27.036 but I never brought them to school. 0:00:27.036,0:00:32.293 Instinctively, I knew that comic books[br]didn't belong in the classroom. 0:00:32.779,0:00:35.128 My parents definitely were not fans, 0:00:35.128,0:00:38.302 and I was certain that my teachers[br]wouldn't be either. 0:00:38.302,0:00:40.333 After all, they never used them to teach, 0:00:40.333,0:00:44.654 comic books and graphic novels were never[br]allowed during silent sustained reading, 0:00:44.654,0:00:48.104 and they were never sold[br]at our annual book fair. 0:00:48.104,0:00:50.333 Even so, I kept reading comics, 0:00:50.333,0:00:52.396 and I even started making them. 0:00:52.396,0:00:55.056 Eventually I became a published cartoonist 0:00:55.056,0:00:57.935 writing and drawing[br]comic books for a living. 0:00:58.844,0:01:01.223 I also became a high school teacher. 0:01:01.223,0:01:02.464 This is where I taught: 0:01:02.464,0:01:05.428 Bishop O'Dowd High School[br]in Oakland, California. 0:01:05.428,0:01:07.484 I taught a little bit of math[br]and a little bit of art, 0:01:07.484,0:01:09.098 but mostly computer science, 0:01:09.098,0:01:11.684 and I was there for 17 years. 0:01:11.684,0:01:13.527 When I was brand new teacher, 0:01:13.527,0:01:16.776 I tried bringing comic books[br]into my classroom. 0:01:16.776,0:01:19.657 I remember telling my students[br]on the first day of every class 0:01:19.657,0:01:21.813 that I was also a cartoonist. 0:01:21.813,0:01:25.265 It wasn't so much that I was planning[br]to teach them with comics, 0:01:25.265,0:01:29.646 it was more that I was hoping comics[br]would make them think that I was cool. 0:01:29.646,0:01:30.654 (Laughter) 0:01:30.654,0:01:32.000 I was wrong. 0:01:32.000,0:01:34.090 This was the '90s, 0:01:34.090,0:01:38.100 so comic books didn't have[br]the cultural cache that they do today. 0:01:38.100,0:01:42.118 My students didn't think I was cool.[br]They thought I was kind of a dork. 0:01:42.118,0:01:45.154 And even worse, when stuff[br]got hard in my class, 0:01:45.154,0:01:48.365 they would use comic books[br]as a way of distracting me. 0:01:48.365,0:01:51.043 They would raise their hands[br]and me questions like, 0:01:51.043,0:01:52.930 "Mr. Yang, who do you think[br]would win in a fight, 0:01:52.930,0:01:55.146 Superman or the Hulk?" 0:01:55.146,0:01:56.074 (Laughter) 0:01:56.074,0:02:01.027 I very quickly realized I had to keep[br]my teaching and my cartooning separate. 0:02:01.027,0:02:04.097 It seemed like my instincts[br]in fifth grade were correct. 0:02:04.097,0:02:07.557 Comic books didn't belong[br]in the classroom. 0:02:08.011,0:02:09.980 But again, I was wrong. 0:02:09.980,0:02:12.101 A few years into my teaching career, 0:02:12.101,0:02:16.912 I learned firsthand[br]the educational potential of comics. 0:02:16.912,0:02:20.613 One semester, I was asked to sub[br]for this Algebra 2 class. 0:02:20.613,0:02:24.895 I was asked to long-term sub it,[br]and I said yes, but there was a problem. 0:02:24.895,0:02:28.559 At the time, I was also the school's[br]educational technologist, 0:02:28.559,0:02:30.572 which meant every couple of weeks 0:02:30.572,0:02:33.876 I had to miss one or two periods[br]of this Algebra 2 class 0:02:33.876,0:02:36.813 because I was in another classroom[br]helping another teacher 0:02:36.813,0:02:38.903 with a computer-related activity. 0:02:38.903,0:02:41.940 For these Algebra 2 students,[br]that was terrible. 0:02:41.940,0:02:44.580 I mean, having a long-term[br]sub is bad enough, 0:02:44.580,0:02:48.222 but having a sub for your sub?[br]That's the worst. 0:02:48.222,0:02:52.386 In an effort to provide some sort[br]of consistency for my students, 0:02:52.386,0:02:55.447 I began videotaping[br]myself giving lectures. 0:02:55.447,0:02:58.939 I'd then give these videos to my sub[br]to play for my students. 0:02:58.939,0:03:03.139 I tried to make these videos[br]as engaging as possible. 0:03:03.139,0:03:05.550 I even included these[br]little special effects. 0:03:05.550,0:03:08.317 For instance, after I finished[br]a problem on the board, 0:03:08.317,0:03:10.332 I'd clap my hands, 0:03:10.332,0:03:12.618 and the board would magically erase. 0:03:12.618,0:03:14.046 (Laughter) 0:03:14.046,0:03:16.452 I thought it was pretty awesome. 0:03:16.452,0:03:19.223 I was pretty certain[br]that my students would love it, 0:03:19.223,0:03:20.852 but I was wrong. 0:03:20.852,0:03:22.350 (Laughter) 0:03:22.350,0:03:24.809 These video lectures were a disaster. 0:03:24.809,0:03:26.915 I had students coming up to me[br]and saying things like, 0:03:26.915,0:03:29.233 "Mr. Yang, we thought[br]you were boring in person, 0:03:29.233,0:03:32.613 but on video, you are just unbearable." 0:03:32.613,0:03:34.752 (Laughter) 0:03:34.752,0:03:40.132 So as a desperate second attempt,[br]I began drawing these lectures as comics. 0:03:40.132,0:03:42.409 I'd do these very quickly[br]with very little planning. 0:03:42.409,0:03:45.571 I'd just take a sharpie,[br]draw one panel after the other, 0:03:45.571,0:03:48.185 figuring out what I wanted[br]to say as I went. 0:03:48.185,0:03:52.154 These comics lectures would come out to[br]anywhere between four and six pages long, 0:03:52.154,0:03:55.033 I'd xerox these, give them to my sub 0:03:55.033,0:03:56.945 to hand to my students, 0:03:56.945,0:03:59.130 and much to my surprise, 0:03:59.130,0:04:02.252 these comics lectures were a hit. 0:04:02.252,0:04:04.856 My students would ask me[br]to make these for them 0:04:04.856,0:04:07.762 even when I could be there in person. 0:04:07.762,0:04:12.569 It was like they liked cartoon me[br]more than actual me. 0:04:12.569,0:04:14.980 (Laughter) 0:04:14.980,0:04:18.472 This surprised me, because my students[br]are part of a generation 0:04:18.472,0:04:20.282 that was raised on screens, 0:04:20.282,0:04:23.515 so I thought for sure they would like[br]learning from a screen 0:04:23.515,0:04:26.015 better than learning from a page, 0:04:26.015,0:04:27.991 but when I talked to my students 0:04:27.991,0:04:31.125 about why they liked[br]these comics lectures so much, 0:04:31.125,0:04:35.595 I began to understand[br]the educational potential of comics. 0:04:35.595,0:04:38.042 First, unlike their math textbooks, 0:04:38.042,0:04:40.733 these comics lectures taught visually. 0:04:40.733,0:04:43.777 Our students grow up in a visual culture, 0:04:43.777,0:04:46.186 so they're used to taking in[br]information that way. 0:04:46.186,0:04:49.145 But unlike other visual narratives, 0:04:49.145,0:04:53.501 like film or television[br]or animation or video, 0:04:53.501,0:04:56.718 comics are what I call permanent. 0:04:56.718,0:05:02.460 In a comic, past, present, and future[br]all sit side by side on the same page. 0:05:02.460,0:05:05.628 This means that the rate[br]of information flow 0:05:05.628,0:05:08.976 is firmly in the hands of the reader. 0:05:08.976,0:05:13.758 When my students didn't understand[br]something in my comics lecture, 0:05:13.758,0:05:18.119 they could just reread that passage[br]as quickly or as slowly as they needed. 0:05:18.119,0:05:21.841 It was like I was giving them[br]a remote control over the information. 0:05:21.841,0:05:24.759 The same was not true of my video lectures 0:05:24.759,0:05:27.653 and it wasn't even true[br]of my in-person lectures. 0:05:27.653,0:05:32.424 When I speak, I deliver the information[br]as quickly or slowly as I want. 0:05:32.424,0:05:36.045 So for certain students[br]and certain kinds of information, 0:05:36.045,0:05:40.957 these two aspects of the comics medium,[br]its visual nature and its permanence, 0:05:40.957,0:05:44.574 make it an incredibly powerful[br]educational tool. 0:05:44.574,0:05:46.574 When I was teaching this Algebra 2 class, 0:05:46.574,0:05:50.686 I was also working on my Masters[br]in Education at Cal State East Bay, 0:05:50.686,0:05:54.823 and I was so intrigued by this experience[br]that I had with these comics lectures 0:05:54.823,0:05:59.936 that I decided to focus[br]my final Masters project on comics. 0:05:59.936,0:06:03.005 I wanted to figure out[br]why American educators 0:06:03.005,0:06:08.137 have historically been so reluctant[br]to use comic books in their classrooms. 0:06:08.137,0:06:10.373 Here's what I discovered. 0:06:10.373,0:06:13.096 Comic books first became[br]a mass medium in the 1940s, 0:06:13.096,0:06:15.263 with millions of copies[br]selling every month, 0:06:15.263,0:06:17.719 and educators back then took notice. 0:06:17.719,0:06:17.969 A lot of innovative teachers began[br]bringing comics into their classrooms 0:06:23.252,0:06:24.165 to experiment. 0:06:24.165,0:06:26.785 In 1944, the Journal[br]of Educational Sociology 0:06:26.785,0:06:30.227 even devoted an entire issue[br]to this topic. 0:06:30.638,0:06:32.929 Things seemed to be progressing. 0:06:32.929,0:06:35.197 Teachers were starting[br]to figure things out. 0:06:35.197,0:06:37.399 But then along comes this guy. 0:06:37.399,0:06:41.410 This is child psychologist[br]Dr. Fredric Wertham, 0:06:41.410,0:06:45.352 and in 1954, he wrote a book[br]called "Seduction of the Innocent," 0:06:45.352,0:06:50.271 where he argues that comic books[br]cause juvenile delinquency. 0:06:50.271,0:06:51.302 (Laughter) 0:06:51.302,0:06:52.863 He was wrong. 0:06:52.863,0:06:54.877 Now, Dr. Wertham was actually[br]a pretty decent guy. 0:06:54.877,0:06:58.293 He spent most of his career[br]working with juvenile delinquents, 0:06:58.293,0:07:03.248 and in his work he noticed[br]that most of his clients read comic books. 0:07:03.248,0:07:07.115 What Dr. Wertham failed to realize[br]was in the 1940s and '50s, 0:07:07.115,0:07:11.263 almost every kid in America[br]read comic books. 0:07:11.263,0:07:14.657 Dr. Wertham does a pretty[br]dubious job of proving his case, 0:07:14.657,0:07:18.493 but his book does inspire[br]the Senate of the United States 0:07:18.493,0:07:20.118 to hold a series of hearings 0:07:20.118,0:07:25.043 to see if in fact comic books[br]cause juvenile delinquency. 0:07:25.043,0:07:27.711 These hearings lasted[br]for almost two months. 0:07:27.711,0:07:31.953 They ended inconclusively,[br]but not before doing tremendous damage 0:07:31.953,0:07:36.480 to the reputation of comic books[br]in the eyes of the American public. 0:07:36.480,0:07:40.669 After this, respectable American[br]educators all backed away, 0:07:40.669,0:07:42.781 and they stayed away for decades. 0:07:42.781,0:07:46.114 It wasn't until the 1970s[br]that a few brave souls 0:07:46.114,0:07:47.617 started making their way back in, 0:07:47.617,0:07:49.630 and it really wasn't[br]until pretty recently, 0:07:49.630,0:07:51.290 maybe the last decade or so, 0:07:51.290,0:07:53.816 that comics have seen[br]more widespread acceptance 0:07:53.816,0:07:56.098 among American educators. 0:07:56.098,0:07:59.991 Comic books and graphic novels are now[br]finally making their way 0:07:59.991,0:08:02.021 back into American classrooms, 0:08:02.021,0:08:06.025 and this is even happening[br]at Bishop O'Dowd, where I used to teach. 0:08:06.025,0:08:07.735 Mr. Smith, one of my former colleagues, 0:08:07.735,0:08:10.647 uses Scott McCloud's[br]"Understanding Comics" 0:08:10.647,0:08:14.503 in his literature and film class,[br]because that book gives his students 0:08:14.503,0:08:19.739 the language with which to discuss[br]the relationship between words and images. 0:08:19.739,0:08:23.423 Mr. Burns assigns a comics essay[br]to his students every year. 0:08:23.423,0:08:27.661 By asking his students to process[br]a prose novel using images, 0:08:27.661,0:08:30.125 Mr. Burns asks them to think deeply 0:08:30.125,0:08:32.282 not just about the story 0:08:32.282,0:08:35.390 but also about how that story is told. 0:08:35.390,0:08:38.450 And Ms. Murrock uses my own[br]"American Born Chinese" 0:08:38.450,0:08:40.338 with her English 1 students. 0:08:40.338,0:08:43.870 For her, graphic novels[br]are a great way of fulfilling 0:08:43.870,0:08:45.739 a Common Core Standard. 0:08:45.739,0:08:48.750 The Standard states that students[br]ought to be able to analyze 0:08:48.750,0:08:54.788 how visual elements contribute[br]to the meaning, tone and beauty of a text. 0:08:54.788,0:08:57.984 Over in the library, Mr. ??[br]has built a pretty impressive 0:08:57.984,0:09:00.370 graphic novel collection[br]for Bishop O'Dowd. 0:09:00.370,0:09:03.672 Now, Ms. ?? and all[br]of her librarian colleagues 0:09:03.672,0:09:06.697 have really been at the forefront[br]of comics advocacy, 0:09:06.697,0:09:09.846 really since the early '80s,[br]when a school library journal article 0:09:09.846,0:09:14.594 stated that the mere presence[br]of graphic novels in the library 0:09:14.594,0:09:17.339 increased usage by about 80 percent, 0:09:17.339,0:09:21.070 and increased the circulation[br]of non-comics material 0:09:21.070,0:09:23.094 by about 30 percent. 0:09:23.094,0:09:26.612 Inspired by this renewed interest[br]from American educators, 0:09:26.612,0:09:31.417 American cartoonists are now producing[br]more explicitly educational content 0:09:31.417,0:09:34.562 for the K-12 market than ever before. 0:09:34.562,0:09:37.561 A lot of this is directed[br]at language arts, 0:09:37.561,0:09:39.784 but more and more comics[br]and graphic novels 0:09:39.784,0:09:43.378 are starting to tackle[br]math and science topics. 0:09:43.378,0:09:47.823 STEM comics graphics novels[br]really are like this uncharted territory, 0:09:47.823,0:09:49.842 ready to be explored. 0:09:49.842,0:09:55.511 America is finally waking up to the fact[br]that comic books do not cause 0:09:55.511,0:09:57.586 juvenile delinquency, 0:09:57.586,0:10:01.848 that they really do belong[br]in every educator's toolkit. 0:10:01.848,0:10:05.475 There's no good reason to keep[br]comic books and graphic novels 0:10:05.475,0:10:07.281 out of K-12 education. 0:10:07.281,0:10:09.009 They teach visually, 0:10:09.009,0:10:12.567 they give our students[br]that remote control. 0:10:12.567,0:10:15.244 The educational potential is there 0:10:15.244,0:10:17.890 just waiting to be tapped 0:10:17.890,0:10:19.537 by creative people like you. 0:10:19.537,0:10:21.150 Thank you. 0:10:21.150,0:10:23.753 (Applause)