Hey, how're you doing? Justin here with another ukulele instalment for you. And today we're going to be looking at shuffle strumming. Now this type of strumming is really, really common on the ukulele, so it's definitely something you need to do some practice with, and we're going to be doing a play along so you can get use to the feel of it. So, what is a shuffle? Normally in music when you have a: 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and It would be played very evenly, okay? Like mathematically as perfectly as you could. Doing something like: 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and (continues strum pattern) Normally, it would be a down strum on the beat. On the 1, 2, 3, and the 4 and an up strum on the "ands". So, 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and Okay? That should be something that you're working on already, but the shuffle is particularly common on the ukulele. We use it on guitar as well, particularly blues used a lot of shuffle stuff, but on the ukulele there is something about that kind of- It's got a bit of a groove to it. Sounds great on uke. So what we are basically doing is delaying the up stroke a little bit. The "and" So instead of going: 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and We go: 1- and 2- and 3- and 4 and 1- and 2- and 3- and 4 That kind of feeling, if it's straight. (demonstrates) Now with the shuffle again. (demonstrates with shuffle) Now, if we want to look at it mathematically, we would divide each beat into 3, commonly called "triplets" in music, and we would be playing the first one and the last one. If we were counting this we'd normally count 1 trip-let 2 trip-let 3 trip-let 4 trip-let That would be the count for it. So it would be strumming the down on the beat, and the up stroke on the "let". So if I do it really slowly we would be doing: 1 trip-let 2 trip-let 3 trip-let 4 trip-let 1 trip-let 2 trip-let 3 trip-let 4 trip-let It's not quite as mathematical as that really when it comes to making music out of it. It's just got this kind of- It's a little bit more dance-y than (playing with shuffle) ♪♪ Than it would if I played that same thing straight (plays straight) It doesn't seem to have the same groove as: (with shuffle) ♪♪ So, to practice, what I would recommend you start off with is doing the little count thing. So, first thing is to practice actually saying out loud: 1 trip-let 2 trip-let 3 trip-let 4 trip-let over and over again. Then start playing along with the down strum on that beat, on the count: the 1, 2, 3, and the 4 and the up on the "let". So going: 1 trip-let 2 trip-let 3 trip-let 4 trip-let 1 trip-let 2 trip-let 3 trip-let 4- Let's have a little play along of doing that now cause this is how you want to get it under your fingers properly. Or finger, as you're probably strumming with your first finger, that's what I'd be recommending. I'm using a C-chord here as it's nice and easy, and you don't want to think about chords. You just want to think about the strumming. So if i'm going: 3 trip-let 4 trip-let 1 trip-let 2 trip-let 3 trip-let 4 trip-let 1 trip-let 2 trip-let 3 trip-let 4 trip-let Keep going. 1 trip-let 2 trip-let 3 trip-let 4 trip-let down...up, down...up, down...up, down...up 1 trip-let 2 trip-let 3 trip-let 4 trip-let 1 trip-let 2 trip-let 3 trip-let 4 trip-let Okay? So, really that's the way to get used to the idea of having that kind of delayed end, if you like, the shuffle. But really what's important is that it feels good. So once you've actually got it right the point would be to just play it. See if you can get that skip-y feeling where it's kind of- And I don't mean Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. I mean, like, you know. Kinda moving nice. That's really where it's at with this kind of rhythm thing. It's not so much about the mathematically perfect version. It's kind of getting it to feel nice, and that's something that you can practice. When you're playing it yourself, practice trying to make it feel good. You'll feel there'll be a certain little pocket where it'll be like- It'll make you move, it'll make you feel different and that's really where it's at. And this shuffle thing, for playing uke songs is a really important part of it because playing it straight on the uke just never seems to- Well sometimes it works better, but most times you want to try and get that shuffle rhythm in there cause it just sounds cool. Basically, it all boils down to what sounds good and learning the shuffle, and getting that groovy feeling when you're playing your rhythm guitar is totally where it's at. So, have a little bit of fun with that and I will see you for plenty more lessons very soon. Take care of yourselves. Bye-bye.