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Thin layer chromotography

  • 0:00 - 0:02
    - [Instructor] So let's
    say that I have a vial
  • 0:02 - 0:04
    of some mystery liquid right over here,
  • 0:04 - 0:06
    and I want to start figuring
    out what's going on there.
  • 0:06 - 0:08
    And the first step is to think about,
  • 0:08 - 0:10
    is it just one substance
  • 0:10 - 0:12
    or is it a mixture of multiple substances?
  • 0:12 - 0:15
    And the focus of this video is a technique
  • 0:15 - 0:18
    to separate out the substances
  • 0:18 - 0:20
    to understand at least how many there are,
  • 0:20 - 0:23
    and this technique generally
    is called chromatography,
  • 0:23 - 0:26
    but we'll focus on thin
    layer chromatography
  • 0:26 - 0:28
    which is the most common
    that you might see,
  • 0:28 - 0:30
    but other variations of chromatography
  • 0:30 - 0:31
    like paper chromatography
  • 0:31 - 0:34
    operate on very similar principles.
  • 0:34 - 0:38
    So what we're going to do is set up
  • 0:38 - 0:41
    on top of something like glass or plastic,
  • 0:41 - 0:46
    we're going to put a thin layer
    of a solid polar substance.
  • 0:47 - 0:48
    Now, what you typically do
  • 0:48 - 0:51
    is put a thin layer of silica gel,
  • 0:51 - 0:55
    that's the most common solid
    polar substance that folks use.
  • 0:55 - 0:56
    And it's also porous.
  • 0:56 - 0:58
    And the fact that it's
    porous is really important
  • 0:58 - 1:01
    because we're going to want
    liquid to have capillary action
  • 1:01 - 1:03
    and travel up through it.
  • 1:03 - 1:06
    Now, the silica gel, as I mentioned,
  • 1:06 - 1:09
    this thing is very polar.
  • 1:10 - 1:11
    Now, what we're going to do
  • 1:11 - 1:13
    is take some of our mystery substance,
  • 1:13 - 1:15
    let's say it's this color right over here,
  • 1:15 - 1:20
    and we're going to place a
    dot of it on that silica gel.
  • 1:20 - 1:21
    You then want to take this plate
  • 1:21 - 1:23
    that has the silica gel on it
  • 1:23 - 1:26
    and that little dot of
    our mystery substance,
  • 1:26 - 1:30
    and then you want to dip just
    one end of it in a solution.
  • 1:30 - 1:31
    And what's really important is that
  • 1:31 - 1:35
    the solution is less
    polar than the silica gel.
  • 1:35 - 1:37
    Less polar here.
  • 1:37 - 1:40
    And we'll talk a little
    bit about what happens
  • 1:40 - 1:42
    depending on how polar this is.
  • 1:42 - 1:45
    Now, usually this is going
    to be a very shallow amount
  • 1:45 - 1:48
    of this solution, which, as we'll see,
  • 1:48 - 1:49
    will be something of a solvent.
  • 1:49 - 1:52
    And you usually want to put
    it in a closed container
  • 1:52 - 1:53
    like this
  • 1:53 - 1:56
    so that this fluid down
    here doesn't evaporate out.
  • 1:56 - 1:58
    And then what do you
    think is going to happen?
  • 1:58 - 2:01
    Well, as I mentioned, this
    is a porous substance here.
  • 2:01 - 2:03
    And so you're going to
    have capillary action.
  • 2:03 - 2:06
    This fluid at the bottom
    is going to move upwards
  • 2:06 - 2:07
    through the silica gel,
  • 2:07 - 2:09
    through those little
    pores in the silica gel.
  • 2:09 - 2:12
    This is the stationary phase.
    Why do we call it that?
  • 2:12 - 2:13
    Well, 'cause it's not moving.
  • 2:13 - 2:16
    And you can imagine we would
    call this less polar solvent
  • 2:17 - 2:19
    the mobile phase,
  • 2:19 - 2:22
    because that is traveling
    through the silica gel
  • 2:22 - 2:25
    and it's picking up some
    of this mystery substance
  • 2:25 - 2:27
    and it's transporting it.
  • 2:27 - 2:28
    And let's say this mystery substance
  • 2:28 - 2:31
    is made up of two different things.
  • 2:31 - 2:33
    If something is more polar,
  • 2:33 - 2:35
    that means it's going to be more attracted
  • 2:35 - 2:38
    to the stationary phase
    which is very polar.
  • 2:38 - 2:40
    And so it's not going to travel that far,
  • 2:40 - 2:42
    while the parts of our mystery substance
  • 2:42 - 2:43
    that are less polar,
  • 2:43 - 2:46
    they're not going to be attracted
    to the silica gel as much.
  • 2:46 - 2:49
    So they're going to travel
    further with the solvent.
  • 2:49 - 2:52
    So maybe it might go like that.
  • 2:52 - 2:54
    And you would run this
    until your mobile phase
  • 2:54 - 2:57
    makes a good way to the
    top of your silica gel
  • 2:57 - 2:58
    right over here.
  • 2:58 - 2:59
    Now, just looking at this,
  • 2:59 - 3:01
    and the reason why it was
    called chromatography is
  • 3:01 - 3:02
    when they originally did this,
  • 3:02 - 3:05
    they were actually separating
    out various tissues
  • 3:05 - 3:08
    in vegetation that had different colors.
  • 3:08 - 3:10
    The chroma is referring
    to the various colors,
  • 3:10 - 3:12
    but it doesn't necessarily
    even have to refer to things
  • 3:12 - 3:13
    that have different colors
  • 3:13 - 3:16
    or sometimes you might need
    a UV light to see them.
  • 3:16 - 3:17
    But when you run thin
    layer chromatography,
  • 3:17 - 3:21
    you will see that your
    original dot will have traveled
  • 3:21 - 3:23
    to various degrees with your solvent
  • 3:23 - 3:25
    and then will now be multiple dots
  • 3:25 - 3:29
    depending on how many things
    were in your original mixture.
  • 3:29 - 3:32
    And as I just mentioned,
    this thing right over here,
  • 3:32 - 3:36
    this is the less polar thing
    is going to travel further
  • 3:36 - 3:40
    than the more polar thing, more
    polar constituent substance,
  • 3:40 - 3:43
    because the more polar
    thing is more attractive
  • 3:43 - 3:46
    to the silica gel, which is stationary,
  • 3:46 - 3:49
    and there is a way to quantify
    how far these things traveled
  • 3:49 - 3:52
    relative to your solvent.
  • 3:52 - 3:55
    And that's called a retention factor.
  • 3:55 - 3:58
    Retention factor.
  • 3:59 - 4:03
    Which the shorthand is R subscript f.
  • 4:03 - 4:07
    And it's just defined
    as the distance traveled
  • 4:08 - 4:13
    by the solute divided
    by the distance traveled
  • 4:19 - 4:22
    by the solvent.
  • 4:22 - 4:23
    And we need to be clear.
  • 4:23 - 4:26
    It's not the distance traveled
    by the solvent in total,
  • 4:26 - 4:30
    it's the distance traveled by
    the solvent from this origin,
  • 4:30 - 4:33
    from where we applied
    this dot right over here.
  • 4:33 - 4:36
    So, past the origin.
  • 4:37 - 4:40
    And let me label that as the origin.
  • 4:41 - 4:43
    So what would it be in this situation?
  • 4:43 - 4:47
    Well, to help us there, we
    would have to get out a ruler.
  • 4:47 - 4:52
    So the retention factor for
    substance A right over here,
  • 4:52 - 4:55
    so I'll put that dot there, label that A,
  • 4:55 - 4:59
    would be equal to the distance
    traveled by the solute,
  • 4:59 - 5:03
    which we can see, it
    traveled one centimeter,
  • 5:03 - 5:05
    one centimeter,
  • 5:05 - 5:09
    over the distance traveled by
    the solvent past the origin.
  • 5:09 - 5:12
    And so that is going to be,
  • 5:12 - 5:15
    we see it traveled five
    centimeters past the origin.
  • 5:15 - 5:18
    So one centimeter over five centimeters,
  • 5:18 - 5:20
    which is the same thing as 0.2.
  • 5:21 - 5:25
    And then the retention
    factor for substance B
  • 5:26 - 5:30
    is going to be equal to,
    how far did it travel?
  • 5:30 - 5:32
    Well, it traveled three centimeters
  • 5:33 - 5:36
    out of a total of five
    centimeters for the solvent,
  • 5:36 - 5:38
    past this origin,
  • 5:38 - 5:40
    past where we put the
    sample right over there.
  • 5:40 - 5:45
    Five centimeters, which is equal to 0.6.
  • 5:45 - 5:47
    So notice, in this situation,
  • 5:47 - 5:51
    the more polar substance
    had a lower retention factor
  • 5:51 - 5:55
    than the less polar substance,
    and that makes sense.
  • 5:55 - 5:59
    Because our stationary phase
    is more polar than our solvent,
  • 5:59 - 6:04
    and so the things that are
    more polar were harder to move
  • 6:04 - 6:06
    by the less polar solvent.
Thin layer chromotography

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Video Language:
Khan Academy

English subtitles
