0:00:00.627,0:00:10.000 Let's say I have an angle ABC, and it looks somethings like this, so its vertex is going to be at 'B', 0:00:10.000,0:00:15.600 Maybe 'A' sits right over here, and 'C' sits right over there. 0:00:15.600,0:00:23.800 And then also let's say we have another angle called DAB, actually let me call it DBA, 0:00:23.800,0:00:26.333 I want to have the vertex once again at 'B'. 0:00:26.333,0:00:34.000 So let's say it looks like this, so this right over here is our point 'D'. 0:00:34.000,0:00:41.733 And let's say we know the measure of angle DBA, let's say we know that that's equal to 40 degrees. 0:00:41.733,0:00:45.867 So this angle right over here, its measure is equal to 40 degrees, 0:00:45.867,0:00:56.600 And let's say we know that the measure of angle ABC is equal to 50 degrees. 0:00:56.600,0:00:58.733 Right, so there's a bunch of interesting things happening over here, 0:00:58.733,0:01:02.667 the first interesting thing that you might realize is that both of these angles 0:01:02.667,0:01:06.133 share a side, if you view these as rays, they could be lines, 0:01:06.133,0:01:08.400 line segments or rays, but if you view them as rays, 0:01:08.400,0:01:13.267 then they both share the ray BA, and when you have two angles 0:01:13.267,0:01:16.933 like this that share the same side, these are called adjacent angles 0:01:16.933,0:01:20.667 because the word adjacent literally means 'next to'. 0:01:20.667,0:01:26.933 Adjacent, these are adjacent angles. 0:01:26.933,0:01:29.933 Now there's something else you might notice that's interesting here, 0:01:29.933,0:01:33.067 we know that the measure of angle DBA is 40 degreees 0:01:33.067,0:01:35.933 and the measure of angle ABC is 50 degrees 0:01:35.933,0:01:42.133 and you might be able to guess what the measure of angle DBC is, 0:01:42.133,0:01:47.067 the measure of angle DBC, if we drew a protractor over here 0:01:47.067,0:01:49.800 I'm not going to draw it, it will make my drawing all messy, 0:01:49.800,0:01:51.867 but if we, well I'll draw it really fast, 0:01:51.867,0:01:55.800 So, if we had a protractor over here, clearly this is opening up to 50 degrees, 0:01:55.800,0:01:59.133 and this is going another 40 degrees, so if you wanted to say 0:01:59.133,0:02:01.467 what the measure of angle DBC is, 0:02:01.467,0:02:05.800 it would be, it would essentially be the the sum of 40 degrees and 50 degrees. 0:02:05.800,0:02:08.467 And let me delete all this stuff right here, to keep things clean, 0:02:08.467,0:02:13.933 So the measure of angle DBC would be equal to 90 degrees 0:02:13.933,0:02:16.600 and we already know that 90 degrees is a special angle, 0:02:16.600,0:02:22.667 this is a right angle, this is a right angle. 0:02:22.667,0:02:30.000 There's also a word for two angles whose sum add to 90 degrees, 0:02:30.000,0:02:31.600 and that is complementary. 0:02:31.600,0:02:43.733 So we can also say that angle DBA and angles ABC are complementary. 0:02:43.733,0:02:51.067 And that is because their measures add up to 90 degrees, 0:02:51.067,0:02:57.333 So the measure of angle DBA plus the measure of angle ABC, 0:02:57.333,0:03:03.867 is equal to 90 degrees, they form a right angle when you add them up. 0:03:03.867,0:03:08.000 And just as another point of terminology, that's kind of related to right angles, 0:03:08.000,0:03:14.400 when you form, when a right angle is formed, the two rays that form the right angle, 0:03:14.400,0:03:17.600 or the two lines that form that right angle, or the two line segments, 0:03:17.600,0:03:20.200 are called perpendicular. 0:03:20.200,0:03:23.200 So because we know the measure of angle DBC is 90 degrees, 0:03:23.908,0:03:27.362 or that angle DBC is a right angle, this tells us 0:03:31.362,0:03:36.169 that DB, if I call them, maybe the line segment DB is 0:03:36.667,0:03:47.400 perpendicular, is perpendicular to line segment BC, 0:03:47.400,0:03:55.400 or we could even say that ray BD, is instead of using the word perpendicular 0:03:55.400,0:03:59.533 there is sometimes this symbol right here, which just shows two perpendicular lines, 0:03:59.533,0:04:03.533 DB is perpendicular to BC 0:04:03.533,0:04:07.000 So all of these are true statements here, 0:04:07.000,0:04:11.800 and these come out of the fact that the angle formed between DB and BC 0:04:11.800,0:04:14.933 that is a 90 degree angle. 0:04:14.933,0:04:19.667 Now we have other words when our two angles add up to other things, 0:04:19.667,0:04:24.600 so let's say for example I have one angle over here, 0:04:24.600,0:04:31.133 that is, I'll just make up, let's just call this angle, 0:04:31.133,0:04:38.267 let me just put some letters here to specify, 'X', 'Y' and 'Z'. 0:04:38.267,0:04:45.800 Let's say that the measure of angle XYZ is equal to 60 degrees, 0:04:45.800,0:04:53.667 and let's say you have another angle, that looks like this, 0:04:53.667,0:05:01.933 and I'll call this, maybe 'M', 'N', 'O', 0:05:01.933,0:05:08.133 and let's say that the measure of angle MNO is 120 degrees. 0:05:08.133,0:05:12.333 So if you were to add the two measures of these, so let me write this down, 0:05:12.333,0:05:24.667 the measure of angle MNO plus the measure of angle XYZ, 0:05:24.667,0:05:30.933 is equal to, this is going to be equal to 120 degrees plus 60 degrees. 0:05:30.933,0:05:35.800 Which is equal to 180 degrees, so if you add these two things up, 0:05:35.800,0:05:39.200 you're essentially able to go halfway around the circle. 0:05:39.200,0:05:44.333 Or throughout the entire half circle, or a semi-circle for a protractor. 0:05:44.333,0:05:50.067 And when you have two angles that add up to 180 degrees, we call them supplementary angles 0:05:50.067,0:05:53.667 I know it's a little hard to remember sometimes, 90 degrees is complementary, 0:05:53.667,0:05:55.400 there are two angles complementing each other, 0:05:55.400,0:06:04.333 and then if you add up to 180 degrees, you have supplementary angles, 0:06:04.333,0:06:07.267 and if you have two supplementary angles that are adjacent, 0:06:07.267,0:06:12.200 so they share a common side, so let me draw that over here, 0:06:12.200,0:06:14.933 So let's say you have one angle that looks like this, 0:06:14.933,0:06:19.133 And that you have another angle, so so let me put some letters here again, 0:06:19.133,0:06:20.667 and I'll start re-using letters, 0:06:20.667,0:06:28.333 so this is 'A', 'B', 'C', and you have another angle that looks like this, 0:06:28.333,0:06:36.000 that looks like this, I already used 'C', that looks like this 0:06:36.000,0:06:40.667 notice and let's say once again that this is 50 degrees, 0:06:40.667,0:06:43.733 and this right over here is 130 degrees, 0:06:43.733,0:06:49.600 clearly angle DBA plus angle ABC, if you add them together, 0:06:49.600,0:06:53.333 you get 180 degrees. 0:06:53.333,0:06:56.133 So they are supplementary, let me write that down, 0:06:56.133,0:07:05.333 Angle DBA and angle ABC are supplementary, 0:07:05.333,0:07:09.225 they add up to 180 degrees, but they are also adjacent angles, 0:07:09.575,0:07:17.185 they are also adjacent, and because they are supplementary and they're adjacent, 0:07:17.892,0:07:22.377 if you look at the broader angle, the angle formed from the sides they don't have in common, 0:07:22.454,0:07:31.867 if you look at angle DBC, this is going to be essentially a straight line, 0:07:31.867,0:07:36.733 which we can call a straight angle. 0:07:36.733,0:07:40.733 So I've introduced you to a bunch of words here and now I think 0:07:40.733,0:07:45.800 we have all of the tools we need to start doing some interesting proofs, 0:07:45.800,0:07:50.867 and just to review here we talked about adjacent angles, and I guess any angles 0:07:50.867,0:07:55.867 that add up to 90 degrees are considered to be complementary, 0:07:55.867,0:07:57.533 this is adding up to 90 degrees. 0:07:57.533,0:08:03.267 If they happen to be adjacent then the two outside sides will form a right angle, 0:08:03.267,0:08:08.133 when you have a right angle the two sides of a right angle are considered to be 0:08:08.133,0:08:10.133 perpendicular. 0:08:10.133,0:08:13.400 And then if you have two angles that add up 180 degrees, 0:08:13.400,0:08:17.267 they are considered supplementary, and then if they happen to be adjacent, 0:08:17.267,0:08:19.856 they will form a straight angle. 0:08:20.025,0:08:22.944 Or another way of saying itis that if you have a straight angle, 0:08:24.667,0:08:26.267 and you have one of the angles, the other angle 0:08:26.267,0:08:29.267 is going to be supplementary to it, they're going to add up to 180 degrees. 0:08:29.267,9:59:59.000 So I'll leave you there.