What is BULIMIA Nervosa? - Eating Disorder Video #8

What is BULIMIA Nervosa? - Eating Disorder Video #8

What is Bulimia Nervosa? - Eating Disorder Video #8

This video is about the DSM definition of Bulimia Nervosa. I feel that it is important to go over what the criteria are because many people misuse the term bulimia. I also recognize that bulimia and any other eating disorder is different to each and every person suffering, however, there has to be a DSM definition in order to properly diagnose and treat. The first criterion is that they eat more than a "normal eater" would in a short period of time. The DSM says within 2 hours, but like I said this can be different for everyone, as well as the amount eaten can vary from person to person. The second criterion is that they do some behavior to compensate for their "binge." This can be anything from self-induced vomiting, which is the most common, to over-exercise or use of laxatives and diuretics. The different types of compensatory behaviors places people into one of two categories: purging or non-purging types. Lastly, just like every eating disorder, the person suffering places extreme focus on their weight, size, and shape and will base their entire day, mood, and what they will and will not eat on these feelings. I hope that helps clear up some of the confusion surrounding what bulimia nervosa really is. It is my hope that leveraging social media whether it is YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn can help me reach more people and spread the word about eating disorders and how destructive they can be to the people who suffer from them as well as those closest to them.


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