Okay, so since I made, like, a sort of introduction to my changing my life/decluttering, I want to make a video talking about specifically the little things that I want to do at this second to, uh, get started on that. The first video, all I really did was mostly talk about how I have an issue with hoarding a lot of stuff, and if I don’t feel like I’m hoarding enough, I go out and get something to add to my hoarding collection. It’s not healthy and it needs to be stopped. So, not only do I have to learn how to control that, I need to declutter and… In order to live light, I need to get light and that means I need to get rid of stuff that I don’t want, that I don’t use. Stuff I haven’t looked at in literally years. The one thing that I definitely need to do is get rid of everything that I know for a fact I have not seen or looked at for literally one second in like five or something years. In my closet, I have, like, bags of little knickknacks, pieces of paper that I know I have not looked at for five years. Not since we got evicted from our house and had to move to an apartment, not since I’ve been in this apartment. It was just stuff that I took out of my closet, put it in a bag, and then shoved it in my closet because there was nowhere else to put it and I haven’t looked at it in two years that I’ve been here. I know for a fact that even if I want to keep it for “sentimental reasons”, I don’t need it. It probably would’ve been a lot easier to just leave it at the house and let the bank clean it up, but oh well. So that is one of the major things that I have to work on. I can imagine there is - I know there’s one thing or one or two things that I know I would like to just have, but there’s a lot more junk that I know for a fact that I don’t need to keep. There is a dumpster right over there so all I have to do is take the bag that I have that it’s already in and just dump it. I know part of me was thinking, “Well, just go through it and if there’s nothing that you know you don’t need or whatever - “Just toss it!” But I - Coco from Light By Coco said - You just want to stuff everything into a box and if you don’t look at that box, you just pick it up and give it away or throw it out. Don’t look at it because then all the little feelings that you had will come back. Not only do I have little knickknacks and stuff, I have boxes and envelopes. Now, I had a good reason for this. When I do swapping or when I sell stuff, I often like to repackage envelopes. In the swapping community, it is a very common thing to repackage envelopes because it helps us save on shipping and whatever. But I have a lot of, like, actual boxes and I don’t use boxes all that often because it gets more expensive to ship. I normally sell smaller stuff now and I just use regular envelopes so there’s a lot of boxes that I just wanted to keep in case I was selling something or multiple things that would fit in there. Some of these boxes I’ve had for over a year and I haven’t sold anything that would ship in those boxes so… yeah. I should probably get rid of majority of the boxes that I own. Makeup. Uhm, I’m still doing my blog sale. I’m still doing Poshmark so the makeup that I don’t want that I can sell, I put on Poshmark or my blog sale so if anybody wants to go look at my blog sale, please look at that so I can get a little money out of that. Clothes. I have what seems to be the hardest time with parting with clothes. Makeup and clothes, I have issues parting with. But I know that there’s a lot of clothes that I just don’t wear, that I don’t particularly like anymore. There’s a lot of stuff on Poshmark that are clothes that I’ve been trying to sell but nobody’s been buying it and I think instead of just trying to keep on selling that for days and weeks and sharing in parties and having nobody buy it, I’m either gonna - well - I’m gonna go through my closet and my drawers again, take what’s on Poshmark, take what I haven't thought about selling yet, and then put it in a laundry basket to take it to Plato’s Closet and then see if they’ll want anything and whatever they don’t take, I will probably just donate the rest to Goodwill or something. There’s a lot of clothes I don’t wear anymore whether it’s just that I don’t like them or I just wear other things more often. And when I decluttered a couple times in the past, I thought, “Oh, I’ll wear that again sometime in the future” and I don’t. I mean, most of this has to do with the fact that I rarely leave my apartment. So the clothes don’t get a chance to be worn. The only time I change clothes is for videos so I just don’t need a lot of clothes. I don’t need as much as I seem to think that I do. I have a lot of books and I love reading, I love having different books. But I have a lot of books from childhood that I - again, I have not looked at in years. The books that I have, they’ve been in the same moving boxes from almost two years ago. I have not looked through them. I have tried to sell a few on the Internet but they don’t seem to go. So there’s a bookstore here but, uh, they’re very, very picky about what they buy so I might just take my books and donate them. When I move out and get my own space, I don’t want to take a lot with me. I can’t afford or I will not have the room to take everything with me so it’s just best to not have a lot of books. I have so, so many. And I have an electronic reading device. I have the Kindle app and that means that I can just get my books as eBooks and it’s all in a very small electronic reading device and it’s just - it’s all there and it’s so much easier to carry it around than big, big stacks of books. So what I need to do is get rid of all the knickknacks that I don’t use. And now that I think about it, there’s also a lot of jewelry that I just don’t wear at all. So I don’t need all my jewelry. So I gotta get rid of my little knickknacks and stuff that’s literally junk. I need to sort through my makeup again. I still have a lot of lipsticks and I know I’m not gonna get through all of them so I’m gonna try my best to declutter that some more. But I’ve already decluttered a lot. Clothes, I could afford to go through those again and my books, I think I’m going to try to sell the more popular ones. I have two manga series and a couple more manga volumes that I’m gonna try to sell and the rest like the childhood ones that just aren’t really popular, I’m going to probably donate. And then when all of that is out of the way, I am going to try to concentrate as much as I can on making sure I don’t continue to get a lot of stuff. So we’ll see how everything goes in a future update and I will see you later. Bye.